Social Icons




2007– 2010 Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela;
 Postgraduate degree: Finance and Administration Specialist.

  • Analyze business information and according to their relevance, identify opportunities and threats for organizations in competive global markets (Porter five forces analisys, balance score card) .
  • Use technology intensively as a way to improve their work and make use of the resources available to the company more efficient.
  • Generate innovative financial models that add value to organizations.
  • Develop and implement innovative financing strategies in the organization considering business processes in environments of global markets.
  • Interact effectively and efficiently in organizations characterized by being multicultural and developed in globalized environment.

1991–1999 Universidad Experimental Politécnica “Antonio José de Sucre” Edo Bolívar, Venezuela
Degree: Mechanical Engineer.

  • Designing and integrate different processes and innovative transformation of raw materials into a finished product, as a particular or leader of a team, making it possible through understanding, comprehension and management of flexible manufacturing engineering with a focus on total quality and sustainable use resource.
  • Design Mechanical systems, choosing the right materials for their production, selecting and developing manufacturing processes for transforming raw materials into finished product considering ethical and environmental criteria.
  • Make plans, design and manage production systems; use tools to forecast inventory, logistics, quality control and engineering economy.
  • Efficiently use the human and material resources available for development and product innovation and advanced manufacturing processes.
  • Design and optimize devices for fluid flow, heat transfer and power generation from thermal power, considering the limitation of non-renewable energy sources and global warming.
  • Evaluate the opportunity of entrepreneurship considering the level of innovation and inventive products that you design yourself.
  • Successfully communicate in oral, written or graphic results of a research project or in both Spanish and English.
  • Learning on their own and stay updated.

1977-1990 COLEGIO LOYOLA GUMILLA. Bolívar State, Venezuela
Degree: Bachelor of Science.

  • Ability to abstract and logical reasoning to design synthetic mathematical models.
  • Powers of observation and analysis to understand natural phenomena.
  • Easily handles the calculation and its applications
  • Solidarity and responsible with their environment and reality.
  • Committed to environmental care.
  • High capacity to communication.
  • Moral and principles internalized; loyal, responsable, disciplined, respectful, tolerance and kind.
  • Ability to analyze the economic situation - social and national and international policy to establish an analytical approach.

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